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Where it all began...

Or not! I don't really feel like going back to the beginning today, I am sure I will another day but not today. I have so much in my brain that I really need to get out.

Today is big for me, it is the start of a course I created for The South Perth Learning Centre. It is exciting to say the least but I was a little stressed this morning. Which resulted in me kicking my ever-suffering husband out of my car and leaving him at the side of the road.

I love my husband to death, truly but he and I are so bloody different at times that I wonder how the Universe brought us together. I have wondered if we are twin flames (Google it if you don't know) but I always decide we are soulmates, or at least twin flames that will be soulmates once we have finished with all that learning the Universe wants us to do.

So why I felt a little stressed. Today I am introducing the Friend Her Course. A course that has been devised to help lonely women make friends and get to try out new skills before fully committing to just one thing they want to learn. A bit of a taster course for them. This is something I am so passionate about. I was lonely once. I don’t want anyone else to feel that either.

Here is the link to show you what I am talking about;

It started before the course though it started at about 6am when the husbands alarm went off and it felt like a lifetime before he turned it off, half opened my eyes to check the dogs were still sleeping, thank god, they were…. 5 mins later and boom there goes the alarm again, 1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3…. Nudge nudge. How does anyone sleep through their alarm? Seriously how? Please teach me. This time the dogs are awake, meh. I am up!

I decided today I was super housewife, why did I ever? What a mistake! I am now sat at my day job stressing about the course tonight because good old fatigue has rocked up to join me. Least though I know dinner is cooked, hopefully I won’t buy a drive through on my way home and I can wait that extra 10 mins for the beautiful dinner I cooked this morning but I am already hungry so don’t hold out much hope. I also did the ironing which is a mighty achievement when you think my husband wears a shirt 7 days a week and I walked the dogs. I didn’t quite make it to the hoovering but hey ho.

All morning I was on edge just the tiniest amount. Not a lot but not relaxed either. So when husband asked for a lift somewhere in 15 minutes but in 30 minutes he wasn’t ready I got kinda mad. Didn’t mean to kick him out of the car, I was slowing down to turn left he jumped out thinking I meant it and I left him there because I was annoyed he jumped out. So now on top of my nerves for tonight I have some making up to do too. Super Housewife Fail! Hopefully he still loves me <3

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