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Trying to be a Chef!

I thought I would give you a pregnancy break before I tell you about my labour, its a long story so you need something to break it up, it was 40 hours after all. 

As you may know husband decided to adopt a Ketogenic diet somewhere in my pregnancy.... so I through myself in to trying to cook him nice shiz while I couldn't a thing till the last few weeks of pregnancy when stuffed my face with marzipan and lollies (sweets/candy), totally the opposite of Keto. 

Whenever I think of Keto, I think of my dad. He has done every "healthy diet" out there, I can say that he educates himself a lot so he has all the facts but he has been Vegan, Caveman, Keto and whatever else. But his main war is on carbs and grains. 

 So anyway back to me trying to be a chef. While pregnant I tried my best but quite often resorted to steak and veg. Now though I too need to think about getting fit and healthy. I am giving myself till my 6 week check up to eat whatever the hell I want first though. I finally have an appetite after all. 

The Ketogenic Diet and What is it;

The way I describe it is you keep your carbs and sugars as low as poss and eat all the juicey fats ya want. 

But as explained by numerous websites the Ketogenic diet was designed to help sufferers of epilepsy in 1924  by Dr Russell Wilder. 

The diet stops your body relying on glucose as fuel and starts burning the fats, hence why people lose weight. 

I am obviously not an expert so please educate yourself. Everybody's body is different and everybody needs something different. I have heard lots of endo sufferers have had great success with this way of eating.

A book my dad recommended years ago which I am still yet to read (so if someone can read it and give me the foot notes that would be fab) is The Grain Brain By David Perlmutter and Kristen Loberg. 

The challenge I am finding is most of the websites and recipes are American making it hard to find ingredients or ingredients are very expensive. Coles have definitely started to expland and health kick are great and always knowledgeable!  

This week I have attempted to make; 

Kale Chips - semi fail. 

Superfood meatballs - the superfood being chicken liver and lets just say my ratios were wrong! 

Chocolate protein pancakes with blueberry butter - these kinda worked. 

Crispy skin salmon with Pesto Cauliflower rice and Israeli salad - BOOM! 

Asparagus and dippy eggs - 

And chocolate brownies-

When I get a second I am going to share some of the recipes as there is a lot of trial and error in this keto shiz! 

Yesterday though mum and I took the dogs for a walk or more they dragged me. We decided to stop at Bliss Momos in Wellard for some breakfast! Not keto but amazing! 

Until Hudson started scaring everyone, whoops. 

So what recipes have you tried recently? What successes and what fails have you had? I want to hear from you 💖

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