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Like Ah Ma Gawd I Am Pregnant!

Wow not only am I pregnant, I can finally talk about it. My self-imposed social media ban has been lifted. YAY!

If you have read my blog before you may recall a post called "The dark truth" which was all about conceiving. I had picked out my most fertile day of fertile period to try and have sex with husband and he came home late. I was devo'd and thought our chance for that month was lost.

On the Saturday night I headed to The Voodoo Lounge in Northbridge with my Pixie Love's School of Sass! students to show them that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. It's one of my fave parts about the course if you ever take part FYI, because as women we believe strippers are the media stereotype of blonde hair and boob jobs and once we get inside everyone sees this couldn't be further from the truth. I mean hello not your typical stripper here! Totally digressed sorry. Back on track.

At about 11pm I decided I needed to go home and see husband! We were going to make a bloody baby! As I rushed out the owner stopped me to ask where I was going and my response was simply "I am going to make a baby"

And we finally bloody did it!

But before we found out it actually worked we headed to Singapore to celebrate our wedding anniversary. We had to visit Universal Studios, and go on all the roller coasters as you do. I even told husband as we queued for one of them that we could stop trying for a baby for a bit and have a break. Ha!

You see when I was 16 my gynecologist asked me if I was in a steady relationship? He suggested that if I was we stop using protection as the chances of me falling pregnant were incredibly slim but the pregnancy would reset my system and help with the (un-diagnosed) endometriosis!

I spent most of my adult life believing I was going to get pregnant, that as much as I wanted it being a mum probably wasn't going to happen easily or it would magically happen on some whirlwind fling.

Shall I tell you how I actually saw my life before I met husband, it was completely different to how it is now, I love my life now, room for some improvement career wise but I love it. I just did not see myself living in the burbs, with a husband, step daughter, 2 doberman, renovating a house ( I maybe saw this but in the country not the burbs ha) and being a semi housewife.

I saw myself travelling the world as the hippie stripper that secretly loves Gucci, living in flip flops/thongs and sarongs adopting children as I go and turning up on mums doorstep back in England 6 months pregnant after I had holiday fling in Thailand of all places hahaha. I had goals hahaha.

You can tell this being quiet thing has been hard on me. I have a few more posts stored away to share with you but just wanted to say YAY I am pregnant!

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