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Crazy Pregnant Lady

So after meeting with my doctor who thought I was on the slightly high side of life that I would have a social media detox. It is being drummed in to me constantly about the high risk of relapse during and after pregnancy, which is freaking husband out for obvious reasons and in turn making me anxious.

The last time I was manic, I mean like properly manic, not just little bouts of hypomania which are fairly quickly. I was 19 and living in Israel, I partied hard with no alcohol, I got myself in to some seriously dangerous situations and consider myself lucky to be alive today.

So the idea of being like that and pregnant or with a new born is terrifying and completely alien, I can't even imagine. That's what makes me anxious. I am a mum now. My family isn't here. Husband can't do this on his own, and neither can I. We have to be a team.

I have been so impressed with the service I am receiving at King Edwards Memorial Hospital. I do believe that baby and I are in very safe hands.

So back to the social media thing. So I decided that removing myself from facebook was the answer to spike in my mood. I am constantly on facebook. People message me constantly. Facebook is my go to app! I deleted my facebook 3 or 4 days ago and I still get messages because of messenger whoops. I am starting to stop looking for the app and now just flooding everyone's insta feeds. But then today I wanted to write a blog post about it and how important it is for all of us to live in the moment blah blah, then when I went to log in to my blog.... I needed facebook arghhhhhh facebook controls everything! So of course I logged back in to facebook. I am just a slave to social media.

I do think my mood is fine, not sure I was ever high maybe just happy to be pregnant.

On the subject of being happy about being pregnant, of course I am ecstatic, I have always wanted to be a mum but this baby bump is getting in my and making me uncomfortable already at 15 weeks!!! I did try to force a romantic night on husband but honestly bump was just in the way and I could not relax. Poor husband had to just massage my legs instead haha.

I hate clothes but hate being naked more.... I am not glowing, not at all! Although saying that I have started using frankincense oil on my face and my spots have gone! Woooooooo!

I have am certainly starting to nest but think that deserves it own post entirely to follow on the crazy ramblings of this pregnant lady! Now I have written my post I am going back to my social media detox.

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